
如要購買澳洲縱橫四海的所有旅游,您已經同意,我們可以存儲,處理和使用從您的訂單中收集的數據,以便處理您的訂單。 向我們提供個人信息,即表示您同意我們根據本隱私政策和我們之間適用的安排收集,和使用和披露您的個人信息在訂單上。個人信息包括可以合理識別的有關個人的信息或意見。例如,這可能包括您的姓名,年齡,性別,郵政編碼和聯繫方式。它還可能包括財務信息,包括您的信用卡信息。我們可能會隨時通過在我們的網站上發布隱私政策來更改其隱私政策。我們建議您定期檢查我們的網站,以確保您了解我們當前的隱私政策。 除其他外,本隱私政策只適用於您對本網站的使用。如果您不接受本隱私政策,則不得使用本網站。



網上付款: 所有預訂都需要在付款後進行訂位。最多可能需要24小時才能確認預訂(取決於座位數)。如果座位已滿,
我們將在24小時內通知您,並立即退款。 如果您的旅游計劃行程需要在24小時內出發,請不要在線付款。 如有任何立即出發旅游的訂單,請直接與我們聯繫。



除非另有說明,否則我們引用的所有價格均為澳元,基於雙股住宿。請注意,報價可能會在預訂之前由供應商決定是否更改。預訂後,由於我們無法控制的事項可能會導致價格變動,從而增加產品的成本。這些因素包括不利的貨幣波動,燃油附加費,稅收和機票價格上漲。請通過 1800 718 558 與我們聯繫,或通過電子郵件發送至info@delightfultravelaus.com了解最新價格。即使全額付款,由於我們無法控制的事項,價格也可能發生變化。 





如您將需要在預訂時支付押金。 押金金額取決於預訂的產品和旅行所需的時間。 在某些情況下,預訂時需要全額付款,您的顧問將在預訂時告知定金數額。 如果您改變主意或取消預訂,則所有押金均不予退還(取決於您在《澳大利亞消費者法》下的權利)。 如果已收取押金,則需要按付款時間支付最後付款。 未能在規定的日期之前付款可能會導致您的預訂被取消並且押金將被沒收。 

通過直接存款進行的付款最多可能需要三個工作日才能處理。 如果您通過這種方式付款,則需要在實際到期日前至少三個工作日付款。 付款後,您必須將其通知顧問。 



在法律允許的範圍內,對於因行為,疏忽或違約直接或間接導致的任何傷害,損害,損失(包括後果性損失),延誤,額外費用或不便,我們不承擔任何合同,侵權或其他責任,第三方提供者,無論我們是否疏忽大意,我們無法直接控制,不可抗力或我們無法控制的其他任何事件,或者我們無法通過合理勤勉來阻止的任何其他事件。在無法排除我們的責任並且可以合法地限制責任的情況下,此類責任僅限於適用法律(包括《澳大利亞消費者法》)要求我們採取的補救措施。特別是,我們對任何間接損失(包括娛樂或舒適設施的損失)不承擔任何責任。此責任條款受《澳大利亞消費者法》的約束,這些條款和條件中的任何內容都不旨在限制您根據《 2010年競爭和消費者法》(聯邦)所擁有的任何權利。 


下訂單 在我們通過電子郵件確認給您回信之前(酒店和遊輪部分除外),我方不確認任何澳洲縱橫四海的專用度假村,
旅遊或與旅遊相關的服務的訂位信息。通常24小時會確認您的訂單。 在法律允許的範圍內,我們保留以任何原因(或無故)接受或拒絕您的報價的權利,包括但不限於,任何服務或產品不可用,價格或產品說明有誤或您的訂單中的錯誤。 在下訂單之前,您必須仔細檢查您的訂單。一旦通過促銷產品交易確認了您的預訂,該預訂將不可更改且不可退款。如果您的訂單未確認。我們將通過電子郵件答复您並退還所有款項。 請注意,一般來說,如果您出錯了,我們將不退還您的購買款項。如果我們取消或無法履行您的訂單(包括由於無法使用獨家度假村,旅遊或旅行相關服務或由於任何原因我們停止銷售產品),我們將全額退款。除非法律(包括《澳大利亞消費者法》)規定,否則我們將不對您承擔任何其他損失,例如與您以更高的價格從另一提供商那裡購買相關的任何額外費用。 下訂單和付款後,您將收到我們的個人表格。請填寫表格並通過電子郵件發送給我們(以獲取獨家度假村,旅遊或旅行相關服務。酒店和遊輪部分除外)
請確保姓名的拼寫必須與您的護照相同。 (例如,名字,中間名,姓氏)

通過與我們聯繫向我們的商店付款付款方式 所有價格均以現金,支票或直接存款付款。

支票 請注意,支票付款(包括銀行支票)需要5個工作日才能處理。付款時請考慮這一點。您同意即使取消預訂也不會停止支付支票。旅行後7個工作日內將不接受支票旅行。

信用卡 使用信用卡付款時會收取信用卡附加費。
信用卡費用: 萬事達卡和維薩卡收取2%的費用 美國運通卡收取3.5%的費用 通過機器供應商收取金額後,信用卡附加費無法退還。

如需退費 必須填寫“信用卡收費授權表”,並儘快退還給您的旅游顧問。


如果您選擇以這種方式付款,則需要在規定的到期日之前2個工作日內存入資金。我們不會對任何逾期付款負責。 住宿,服務和日程安排的可用性 您同意並承認:如果供應商基於“視情況而定”或事件的時間表或時間表提供經驗,則這些事件的時間表或訂購可能會不時變化;


澳洲縱橫四海旅行社不承擔任何責任 旅行建議和疫苗接種 對於您打算訪問的所有國家,
稅收和飛行積分 當地旅行和機場稅費可能會在各個海外國家/地區適用。除非另有說明,否則這些稅款不包含在費用中。
出發時可能需要以當地貨幣支付稅款和關稅,如有更改,恕不另行通知。 您有責任向您的航空公司查詢您在我們的預訂中是否符合任何常旅客計劃下的積分要求。請保留所有登機牌,以便在需要時驗證您的旅行。 由於意外情況,我們保留取消和重新安排您的預訂的權利。





該公司強烈建議客人購買旅行保險。 對於天氣因素和其他不可抗力,任何行程變更和損失以及任何事故和人員傷亡,本公司將不承擔任何責任,也將不予賠償!公司保留更改或取消行程,更換或取消行程,縮短或延長行程的權利

護照詳細信息和旅行條款與條件 旅客詳細信息:



澳洲縱橫四海取消和修改費 澳洲縱橫四海旅行取消費–每位旅客,每次預訂(除了所有供應商和航空公司的取消費) 國內旅行– $ 130.00 國際旅行– $ 150.00 澳洲縱橫四海旅行變更費用–每位旅客,每次預訂(除了供應商和航空公司變更費用) 國內旅行– $ 130.00 國際旅行– $ 150.00 取消政策 退款政策規定了我們可以向客戶(“客戶”,“您”或“您的”)退款或允許取消特定旅行優惠的情況。
請注意,在執行本政策時,我們將僅處理針對特定旅行優惠下達訂單的指定人員。 請注意,在執行本政策時,我們將僅處理針對特定旅行優惠下達訂單的指定人員。根據《 1993年消費者保障法》,

如果滿足以下條件,澳洲縱橫四海旅行可以退還您已支付給我們的與相關旅行產品和服務有關的款項: 我們接受您在以下允許的情況下取消服務的情況; -分配系統超時導致出發日期超賣 -根據我們的庫存分配系統進行的分配,因此您無法獲得旅行報價,因此我們取消了訂單; -在指定的時間內未返回旅客信息表,我們將取消訂單; -下訂單違反了適用的兒童旅行者政策,我們將取消該訂單; -沒有滿足旅行報價的最低數量要求,我們將取消訂單; -法律要求我們這樣做; -我們在宣傳旅行報價時犯了一個錯誤,從根本上錯報了旅行報價所針對的產品或服務,或者在我們明顯錯誤的情況下;要么 在旅行之前,旅行提議的提供者停止交易或停止提供旅行提議所涉及的商品或服務。

以下情況不符合退款條件: 如果您沒有閱讀我們的條款和條件, 我們的網站或商店中的取消和退款政策或重要信息,用於您的旅行優惠 如果您在購買旅行優惠後改變主意(無論出於何種原因); 如果旅行報價體驗符合其描述,但不符合您的總體期望(無論出於何種原因); 如果您由於醫療狀況或任何其他個人原因而無法旅行; 如果您無法獲得首選時間來體驗旅行優惠; 如果您由於其他旅行或其他個人承諾而無法旅行; 如果您與代表我們宣傳旅行報價的企業有爭議; 如果您要晚出發預訂。 根據旅行報價選擇的旅行日期已經過期; 由於不符合健康或其他要求而被拒絕進入目的地的地方; 如果您離開了旅行團,並且在做出合理的努力後仍無法找到,並且我們取消了旅行的其餘部分; 如果您錯過或不參加航班或郵輪旅行,或者您的航班/郵輪,機票,住宿,中轉或其他旅行被取消; 如果旅行套餐是不可退款的交易 發生行程變更並且我們安排提供可比較或更高標準的服務; 如果發生欺詐,濫用或可疑活動,我們將取消訂單。 每次旅行優惠都會以不同的促銷方式發布, 根據法律(包括《澳大利亞消費者法》)的要求, 我們將無法退還您的任何其他損失,例如您在購買旅行優惠後發現便宜的價格。



  • 您已年滿十八(18)歲,並且有足夠的資金來支付旅行服務。 
  • 您已閱讀我們的條款和條件,並且如果預訂第三方保證您有權這樣做,並已將這些條款和條件傳達給他們。 您同意賠償我們和供應商免受第三方未正確告知的任何索賠。 
  • 您已閱讀任何適用供應商的條款和條件,並同意受其約束。 
  • 您有責任檢查提供給您的所有文件的準確性。 
  • 您有責任在旅行前至少72小時聯繫航空公司,以再次確認您的預訂。 




Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before placing Your Order.

Online Payment:

All the booking will only be confirmed after you make a payment. It might takes up to 24 hours to confirm the booking ( depends on seats availability).  If the seats are fully booked, we will notice you within 24 hours and will refund to you straight away from our end.

Please do not pay online if you plan to depart within 24hrs.

For any immediately departure , please contact us directly.

These Terms and Conditions constitute a contract between the customer (You) and Delightful Travel.

In these Terms and Conditions We, Our or Us means Delightful Travel; and You or Your means the person who accepts these Terms and Conditions, by using this Website and associated software, networks and processes, including the purchase of Products or services through the Website and Delightful Travel Products means purchased from Delightful Travel through the website.

By browsing the Website, or placing an Order, You agree to these Terms and Conditions as set out below, which constitutes a legally binding Agreement between Us and You for the supply of Delightful Travel Products.

The Agreement together with Your Order constitute the entire agreement between Us and You for the supply of Delightful Travel Products. The Agreement cannot be varied unless We agree to vary it in writing or by email.

If you are under the age of eighteen (18) years you cannot place Orders with Delightful Travel By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge that you are over the age of eighteen (18) years.

Placing Orders

The promotion of Delightful Travel Products for Exclusive Resorts , tours or travel related services are not reserved until we reply you back with the email confirmation ( Except Hotels and Cruise sections)  . Due to travel destinations time difference.

To the extent permitted by law We reserve the right to accept or reject Your offer for any reason (or no reason) including, but not limited to, the unavailability of any service or Product, an error in the price or product description, or an error in Your Order.

You must review Your Order carefully before placing it. Once your booking is confirmed with the the promoted Product deal, it is then non-changeable and non-refundable. If your order is not confirmed. We will reply you by email and refund all the payment.

Please note that as a general rule, We will not refund Your purchase where You have made an error. In the event that We cancel or are unable to fulfil Your Order (including because Exclusive Resorts, tours or travel related services have become unavailable or We cease selling the product for any reason whatsoever), We will provide a full refund of any payment received. Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), We will not be liable to You for any other loss, such as any additional costs associated with you purchasing from another provider at a higher price.

After placing Order and the payment, you will receive the Personal forms from us. Please fill the forms and email back to us (for Exclusive Resorts , tours or travel related services. Except Hotels and Cruise sections)

Please make sure the spelling of the names must be all the same as your passport. (e.g First Name, Middle Name, Surname)

Offline Payment

Payment to our store by contacting us

Payment Options

All prices are based on payment by cash, cheque or Direct Deposit.


Please note that cheque payments (including bank cheques) require 5 business days to process. Please consider this when making payment. You agree not to stop payment of the cheque even when you cancel a booking. Cheques will not be accepted for travel within 7 working days of travel.

Credit Cards

Credit card surcharges may apply when paying by credit card. If you intend to pay by credit card it is essential that we are informed at the time of booking what type of credit card you wish to use so that we can ensure that the airline or wholesaler accepts this type of card as form of payment.

Credit Card Fees:

Mastercard and Visa incur a fee of 2%
American Express incur a fee of 3.5%

Credit card surcharge can not be refunded after the amount has been charged through the machine provider.

If for any reason any travel service provider is unable to provide the services for which you have contracted, your remedy lies against that provider, and not against Delightful Travel . In the event that payment has been made to Delightful Travel  by credit card, and Delightful Travel   has passed on the payment to the travel service provider you agree that you will not seek to charge back your payment to Delightful Travel  .

A “Credit Card Charge Authority Form” must be completed and returned to your consultant as soon as possible. Reference is also made to the section that advises that credit card details may also be passed on to the airline or wholesaler to process the charge.

Direct Deposit/Internet Transfer

If you would prefer to direct deposit or internet transfer payments into our account please contact your travel consultant for the bank details. If you choose to make payments this way you will need to deposit the funds 2 working days earlier than the required due date. We will not be held responsible for any overdue payments.

Availability of Accommodation and Services and Scheduling

You agree and acknowledge that: where suppliers offer services on the basis of ‘subject to availability’ or an experience based on an itinerary or schedule of events, the scheduling of or Order for those events may vary from time to time; the suppliers of certain types of experiences may impose conditions such as a minimum age or other restrictions regarding weight, health or other factors.

It is Your responsibility to confirm details of any restrictions that may apply Delightful Travel to finalising any booking and confirm that you are able to comply; photographs appearing on Our website to illustrate details of offers of suppliers are generally those made available to Us by suppliers or chosen by Us. They are intended to be indicative only of the accommodation, location, services, facilities, and attractions at which services are offered by suppliers. For example, they may depict only one of various rooms, facilities and attractions at which the offer is located in or nearby Your accommodation. This may not be the room type, location or facility applicable to Your chosen version of the offer; a representation on the website that services will be available over a range of dates does not preclude You from being required to make a booking for the services to which the booking relates. Bookings may not be available on short notice

Passports, Visas & Immigration

It is your responsibility to fulfil the passport, visa and other immigration requirements applicable to your itinerary. You need a valid passport for all international travel. Many countries require that your passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond your expected period of travel. With some countries you will need to have more than 6 Months Validity after the Travel Finished , eg Dubai.  The name provided by you for your travel tickets must be the same as that in your passport. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have all the documentation you need for your journey. Visas are obtained from the issuing authority in Australia and you should confirm these with the relevant High Commissions, embassies and/or consulates. Visa requirements vary by both country you are travelling to and the current citizenship you hold so please ensure you check well in advance of your travel dates to allow sufficient processing time as required by the embassy. Either airline staff or immigration authorities may not allow you to pass through customs and board your flight without the appropriate visa and some countries will not allow you to enter without proof of a return or onward electronic or paper ticket. Airline check in staff at your point of origin may deny boarding you. If you proceed to book a one way ticket please ensure you have checked with the Consulate of the country you are travelling to in order to ensure that you comply with their laws and regulations. We do not accept any responsibility in the case you being unable to travel due to not complying with such requirements. If you are in any doubt as to the visa requirements for your destination you may refer to an online external visa advisory service, The Visa Machine at www.visasdirect.com.au.

By agreeing to the sale, Travel assumes that you will make arrangements for the required visas. Delightful Travel cannot accept responsibility for the content or accuracy of information provided in any external websites not within Delightful Travel’s control

Travel Advice and Vaccinations

Australian residents should refer to the travel advice posted by the Department of Foreign Affairs at https://www.dfat.gov.au/ or https://www.smarttraveller.gov.au/ for all the countries you intend to visit. Vaccinations may be required for some or all of the places you are intending to visit. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have arranged all necessary vaccinations for your itinerary.

Taxes and Frequent Flyer Program

Local travel and airport taxes and charges may apply in various overseas countries.  Unless otherwise stated, these taxes are not included as part of the fees.  Taxes and duties may need to be paid in local currency at the time of departure and are subject to change without notice.

It is your responsibility to check with your airlines on whether your booking with us is qualified for any points under any frequent flyer programs.  Please retain all boarding passes to allow verification of your travel if required.

We reserve the right to cancel and reschedule Your booking due to unforeseen circumstances. Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), We will not be held liable for such events and We will not reimburse You for any travelling, accommodation or other expenses incurred by You or any other person.


The amount will vary per booking depending on the supplier’s requirements. Prior to the due date, the balance owing may be paid by one of our payment options. If this is the case you will be notified at time of booking. Travel vouchers and booking confirmations cannot be issued until final payment is received. Any booking not paid in full by the due date is subject to automatic cancellation without further notification. Any deposit paid will be forfeited.

In order to protect the interests of other passengers, please arrive at the pick-up point on time or early. If you do not show up before the time, it will be regarded as a no show, and it’s non refundable  and no rescheduling will be granted. The company strongly recommends that guests purchase travel insurance.

For weather factors and other force majeure, any itinerary changes and losses, as well as any accidents and casualties, the company will not be responsible and will not compensate! The company reserves the right to change or cancel the itinerary, replace or cancel the tour, shorten or extend the itinerary.

Passports Details and Travel Terms & Conditions

Passenger details: It is passenger’s/payee’s responsibility to ensure that Given Name and Last Name/Surname is spelled as per passenger’s passport in the given itinerary before issuance of tickets. After the tickets are issued minor name corrections may incur penalties or additional costs. Tickets are non-transferable and name changes are not allowed.

Delightful Travel Cancellation & Amendment Fees

Delightful Travel Cancellation Fees – Per Passenger, Per Booking (in addition to the all the supplier and airline cancellation fees)
Domestic Travel – $130.00
International Travel – $150.00

Delightful Travel Amendment Fees – Per Passenger, Per Booking (in addition to the supplier and airline amendment fees)
Domestic Travel – $130.00
International Travel – $150.00

Cancellation Policy

The refund policy sets out the circumstances in which we may provide refunds to our customers (“customer”, “you” or “your”) or permit cancellation in respect of a specific travel offer. Please note that in administering this policy we will only deal with the named person who placed the order in respect of a specific travel offer.

Please note that in administering this policy, we will only deal with the named person who placed the order in respect of a specific travel offer. Pursuant to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, you may be entitled to certain rights and remedies which cannot be contracted out of. Nothing in this Cancellation and Refund Policy is intended to limit, exclude, or modify any rights or remedies that may be available to you as a consumer under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or the Fair Trading Act 1986.

Delightful Travel may provide a refund of amounts you have paid to us in connection with the relevant travel products and services if :

  • we accept your cancellation of the services in the permitted circumstances set out below;
  • allocation system time-outs resulting in oversold departure date
  • allocations under our inventory allocation system and as a consequence the travel offer is not available to you and we cancel the order;
  • the passenger information form is not returned within the specified period and we cancel the order;
  • an order is placed in contravention of an applicable child traveller policy and we cancel the order;
  • any minimum number requirements of a travel offer are not met and we cancel the order;
  • we are required by law to do so;
  • we have made a mistake in advertising a travel offer that fundamentally misstates the product or service that is the subject of the travel offer or otherwise in the case of manifest error by us; or
  • prior to travel, the provider of the travel offer ceases trading or ceases to provide the goods or services that are the subject of the travel offer.

The following circumstances DO NOT qualify for refunds:

  • where you have failed to read our Terms and Conditions,
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy or the Important Information set out on our website or from our store for your travel offer
  • if you change your mind after you have purchased a travel offer (for whatever reason);
  • if the travel offer experience was in accordance with its description but did not meet your general expectations (for whatever reason);
  • if you are unable to travel due to a medical condition or any other personal reason;
  • if you are unable to obtain your preferred time to experience the travel offer;
  • if you cannot travel due to other travel or other personal commitments;
  • if you have had a dispute with the business on behalf of whom we are advertising the travel offer;
  • if you are departing late for your booking.
  • where the travel date selected in respect of the travel offer has passed;
  • where you are denied entry to a destination due to a failure to comply with a health or other requirement;
  • if you leave a tour and are non-locatable after reasonable efforts have been made and we cancel any remaining component of a travel offer;
  • if you miss or are a ‘no-show’ for a flight or cruise and your flight/cruise, ticket, accommodation, transfer or other travel offer component is canceled;
  • if the travel packages are the Non Refundable deals
  • where an itinerary change occurs and we arrange supply of a service of the comparable or higher standard;
  • where we cancel the order in the event of fraud, abuse or suspicious activity.
  • Each travel deal will be released in different promotions,
    As required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law),
    We will not be able to refund to You for any other loss, such as you found the cheaper price after you purchased the Travel Deals.